donderdag 8 mei 2014

An English translation?

Some years ago I published a paper about the results of the Hemsterhuis-research during the last decades: ‘Frans Hemsterhuis, een onderzoeksbericht 1990-2010’, in: De achttiende eeuw, 42 (2010), p. 141-156. My final remark was a wish: “The major gap concerns the English language. Hemsterhuis's texts […] are fully available to us in French, German, Italian and Dutch, and some texts in Spanish and Portuguese too. But there is hardly anything translated into English.”

An English translation of all the works of Hemsterhuis is urgently needed. To start with, I have made a translation of the dialogue Sophyle. But my English is poor and this draft should be checked or improved by idealiter a native speaker. Can someone help me?